General Terms & Conditions

These conditions apply to all co-working locations managed by RUDLU Unipessoal LDA, a company registered in Portugal. NIPC 516730304.

The English version of this document shall prevail.
The agreements are based on memberships or subscriptions that give acces to certain services included in our general offers. Memberships are for the duration of the use of these services only.

Memberships and subscriptions for services are non-refundable even if they have not been fully used.
Full details of the services agreement can be found at of the GT&C implies agreement of this services agreement when a subscription to virtual office services is booked online.
Alegria Business Center offers different premises and services, we expect members to use all spaces with total decency and respect for all members or staff as well as good care for all amenities and premises. In case of violation of this code of conduct, access may be suspended for an unlimited period of time.

Legal action is reserved depending on gravity of violations. Suspended or cancelled memberships/bookings is reserved.

With the exception of services provided by external persons (such as training, yoga, massages) ALL SERVICES offered by Alegria Business Center must be booked & paid online via the platform/website.
Bookings or subscriptions cancelled less than 5 business days prior to first booked date are non refundable. All cancellations will be subject to an administrative fee of 15€.
Would you require an invoice, please request an official invoice (those sent by email are preliminary). A valid Fiscal identification number will be required.

In case of use of a service without prior booking, Alegria Business Center / RUDLU Unip. LDA will invoice (POST-BILLING). The client must settle such an invoice within 24 hours. In case such a post-bill is not settled, Alegria Business Center / RUDLU Unip. LDA reserves their right to cancel all other services or limit access to the premises.
At the end of the subscription, renewal for a similar term is tacit, would client decide to not renew, notice must be given by email ( 30 days prior to renewal date.
In case of closure (full or part) of the premises due to administrative, legal, hand of god or sanitory reasons, memberships that cannot be used will be suspended but not reimbursed
Members and other visitors are made aware that the premises are under permanent & recorded video camera surveillance in accordance with Portuguese laws.

Details of operation and reponsible operator are displayed on the main door window.

This site is owned and operated by RUDLU Unipessoal LDA

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